Wednesday, 21 July 2010

ZOMBIELAND and Artemis Fowl

Yesterday, I spent most of the day impatiently waiting for the Eoin Colfer Virtually Live broadcast to be available to watch online. I had read the email wrong, and so I thought it had said the show was starting 2:45 BST (9:45 EST). I got up at 9 am so I could be ready, but the show actually started then. So I waited ALL DAY for the broadcast to be on, but if it was online yesterday, I wasn't awake to see it.

Then I woke up this morning IT WAS ONLINE!!!!!!!!! I was like 'YES YES YES!!!!!!!!' I nearly finished watching it, but then my brother came in the room and turned on Zombieland on Netflix so I decided to watch it too and that's what I'm doing now. It's really funny so far. :D

OH! Another cool thing - right before I turned off the Eoin Colfer Virtually Live broadcast, Colfer and everyone at the school he was at sang happy birthday to his son Finn who turned 13 today. This means that Finn is allowed to have a Facebook and Colfer was telling us all to friend his son. I'M FRIENDS WITH EOIN COLFER'S SON ON FACEBOOK! How cool is that?

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