Thursday, 15 July 2010

ARTEMIS FOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I just say how ridiculously excited I am for the release of Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex? Hardly any people I know have actually read the series, either that or they stopped reading after the third one. This is what the Barnes and Noble website says about the new book:

"Artemis has committed his entire fortune to a project he believes will save the planet and its inhabitants, both human and fairy. Can it be true? Has goodness taken hold of the world’s greatest teenage criminal mastermind?
Captain Holly Short is unconvinced, and discovers that Artemis is suffering from Atlantis Complex, a psychosis common among guilt-ridden fairies - not humans - and most likely triggered by Artemis’s dabbling with fairy magic. Symptoms include obsessive-compulsive behavior, paranoia, multiple personality disorder and, in extreme cases, embarrassing professions of love to a certain feisty LEPrecon fairy.
Unfortunately, Atlantis Complex has struck at the worst possible time. A deadly foe from Holly’s past is intent on destroying the actual city of Atlantis. Can Artemis escape the confines of his mind – and the grips of a giant squid – in time to save the underwater metropolis and its fairy inhabitants?"

So basically the book is going to be super awesome. The first book is already on the author's website as well as a video with him reading another bit of the book. Words cannot describe how excited I am for this. I think how I'm feeling is right up there with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The Artemis Fowl series has been in my life since I was 11 and I met the author. I know I had HP in my life four years longer, but I dunno...AF just means a lot to me. :D

Here's the video with Eoin Colfer reading the book:

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