Thursday, 22 July 2010

This is shaping up to be a very good day...

So today started with me waking up and reading some Artemis Fowl (my favourite book series). I had cookies and milk for breakfast because that's what I felt like eating. I watched the 1931 Dracula movie with my little brother and laughed at how ridiculous it was. Then, I downloaded ebooks for the 6 Artemis Fowl books I already own. Why? Because I want to carry them around with me wherever I am. I was asked to babysit somewhere.

This little boy I babysit - Jeremiah - can be a real pain sometimes. He's a bit spoiled so when he wants something, he expects that thing to happen right then and there. I don't put up with any of that crap though. We played LEGO Star Wars on the Wii for a bit, then I made up dinosaur macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets for dinner. Then I read him a bit of Harry Potter (he's five so I had to read it very slowly to make sure he understood what was happening. After that we watched the first episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender. He's seen the movie (which was CRAP) but he's never seen the show. Then it was time for bed so I read him a bit more of Harry Potter, up to the part where Harry is sorted into Gryffindor and he went to sleep.

But that is not even the end of my good day. When I arrived at Jeremiah's house, his mother told me that a friend of ours who moved to Texas left me the first six books of the Wheel of Time series. She thought I would like them since I read so much. I've heard of the series of course, but never really had much interest in reading them. But, you know, free books, so I didn't say no. Now I have something new to read while I'm waiting for the release of Artemis Fowl and the Atlantis Complex on August third. OMGOMGOMG *fangirl squeal* Ok, I'm just insanely excited for that. I don't really know anyone who understands how I feel about this book.

So know I'm typing this, waiting for Jeremiah's parents to go home so I can watch A Very Potter Sequel. I'd watch it here but I'll probably be laughing and stuff and I get loud when I laugh and Jeremiah's a really really light sleeper. I think I might start queuing up the videos though.

Today was a very, very good day.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

I forgot something else...

Here's the link to that blog:

Something I forgot!

I'm going to be part of this really neat thing - it's like the Brotherhood 2.0 thing the Vlogbrothers did, but we're doing it with six of us and with a blog instead of videos. So yeah! It's gonna be awesome!

Also, OMG Bill Murray is in this movie. I didn't know that! He's soooooo funny! OMG They just killed Bill Murray! WHOA.

ZOMBIELAND and Artemis Fowl

Yesterday, I spent most of the day impatiently waiting for the Eoin Colfer Virtually Live broadcast to be available to watch online. I had read the email wrong, and so I thought it had said the show was starting 2:45 BST (9:45 EST). I got up at 9 am so I could be ready, but the show actually started then. So I waited ALL DAY for the broadcast to be on, but if it was online yesterday, I wasn't awake to see it.

Then I woke up this morning IT WAS ONLINE!!!!!!!!! I was like 'YES YES YES!!!!!!!!' I nearly finished watching it, but then my brother came in the room and turned on Zombieland on Netflix so I decided to watch it too and that's what I'm doing now. It's really funny so far. :D

OH! Another cool thing - right before I turned off the Eoin Colfer Virtually Live broadcast, Colfer and everyone at the school he was at sang happy birthday to his son Finn who turned 13 today. This means that Finn is allowed to have a Facebook and Colfer was telling us all to friend his son. I'M FRIENDS WITH EOIN COLFER'S SON ON FACEBOOK! How cool is that?

Monday, 19 July 2010


I've always been into sharks. Every year I watch Shark Week on the Discovery channel and every year I refuse to go swimming in the ocean. But that's not because I'm afraid of sharks. That's because when I was little I slipped into the water and started getting pulled out to sea - that's a very good reason to be afraid of the ocean.

I'm watching the movie Jaws right now, which is one of my most favourite movies EVER even though it's like 35 years old. The police officer in the movie was going over lots of shark facts that I learned from watching shark week -

1. most sharks attacks happen within ten feet of the shore and in water that's three feet deep
2. a lot of activity in the water can attract sharks
3. PEOPLE ARE CRAZY WHEN IT COMES TO SHARKS (what in the name of sanity was the stupid mayor THINKING? HE SHOULD HAVE CLOSED THE BEACHES!)

This movie is based off a book which is based off of the real life events that took place in New Jersey in 1916. Of course, the book and the movie have changed things. For example, the real life thing happened in a river, with a bull shark, not on a beach in New York with a Great White. Basically the author of the book (Peter Benchley), just took the basic idea of a crazy shark attacking in a certain area many times and used it because if you compare the attacks in New Jersey to the book or the movie Jaws, you can see many differences.

Now, I haven't read the book in about two years, but one thing that always bothered me was the ending of the movie. Near the end of the movie, when it's getting really intense, Hooper's gone down in the shark cage. The cage breaks, and we're left guessing as to what's happened to him until the very end when he resurfaces and he's fine. In the book though, I'm pretty sure that he doesn't come back at all. We're just left thinking that he's drowned or been eaten by the shark or something. But I guess they wanted a happier ending for the movie.

I'm not there yet in the movie though. I'm at the part where Brody said "We're gonna need a bigger boat." and the shark starts getting all crazy. I can't wait to see the stupid Quint guy get eaten. I don't like him very much.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

I was on facebook and someone I used to be friends with came up in my news feed. I say we used to be friends because we sort of drifted apart during our senior year of high school and then didn't talk when school ended.

I used to do everything with this friend. Sleepovers every other night and even a trip to Mexico. She considered us best friends, though I didn't think of her the same way most of the time. This was because nearly ever conversation I had with her turned into an argument. She had her opinions and she would stick to them, even if it turned every bus ride to school into a long silent ride.

But still, some of the time I did consider her my best friend. She's the only one I told the story to about my parent's divorce and everything else I was feeling. If I cried she would give me a hug and not let go until I felt better. We had some really good times. Her family was the one that introduced me to King Richard's Faire, a medieval faire that takes place about an hour from where I live. She introduced me to the Sims games and to this day I'm still a huge fan.

We would watch Primeval together when it was on television and watch horror movies. She's the only person besides my brother who would do that with me. Now it's been over a year since I've spoken to her, but maybe that's what I needed. The time I was at school was good. I needed my space. Seeing her on facebook though, reminded me of all the good times we had and I'm wondering if I should email her or call her and ask how she's been. I've known her since I was 10 years old, so it's been nearly 10 years now.

I feel terrible about what I said to her the day we stopped talking. The argument we had had that day had just pushed me over the edge and I felt like I couldn't take it any more. Getting back in touch with her would probably mean facing her parents though. They were always kind to me, but had a way of making me feel uncomfortable when I was around them. They could be very critical sometimes but me being me, I would just laugh it off or pretend to ignore it. Can I deal with that again? Or maybe my friend and I can just keep in touch through email.

I don't know what to do.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

ARTEMIS FOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I just say how ridiculously excited I am for the release of Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex? Hardly any people I know have actually read the series, either that or they stopped reading after the third one. This is what the Barnes and Noble website says about the new book:

"Artemis has committed his entire fortune to a project he believes will save the planet and its inhabitants, both human and fairy. Can it be true? Has goodness taken hold of the world’s greatest teenage criminal mastermind?
Captain Holly Short is unconvinced, and discovers that Artemis is suffering from Atlantis Complex, a psychosis common among guilt-ridden fairies - not humans - and most likely triggered by Artemis’s dabbling with fairy magic. Symptoms include obsessive-compulsive behavior, paranoia, multiple personality disorder and, in extreme cases, embarrassing professions of love to a certain feisty LEPrecon fairy.
Unfortunately, Atlantis Complex has struck at the worst possible time. A deadly foe from Holly’s past is intent on destroying the actual city of Atlantis. Can Artemis escape the confines of his mind – and the grips of a giant squid – in time to save the underwater metropolis and its fairy inhabitants?"

So basically the book is going to be super awesome. The first book is already on the author's website as well as a video with him reading another bit of the book. Words cannot describe how excited I am for this. I think how I'm feeling is right up there with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The Artemis Fowl series has been in my life since I was 11 and I met the author. I know I had HP in my life four years longer, but I dunno...AF just means a lot to me. :D

Here's the video with Eoin Colfer reading the book:

Mini Missions

So I'm LDS (Mormon for people who don't know) and my boyfriend has gone on a mini mission this week. That's when he's living with some missionaries in another city and doing all the missionary things for a few days. He leaves for his real mission on September 15, but for the last few days he's been in Merrimack I think? Anyway, he'll be back tonight and I can't wait to see him! I dunno what I'm going to do when he's gone for 2 WHOLE YEARS!!!!!!!!!! But I'm super proud of him and what he's doing. :)

Monday, 5 July 2010


I just entered a contest to win a book or several books or something? I dunno. *shrugs* Someone posted a link on twitter and I decided to enter. I would be cool if I won, but I won't get my hopes up.