Monday, 21 June 2010

Trees and Smoking Pipes

A few days ago two of my neighbours had most of the trees cut down in their yard. Right now there's a huge truck across the street and the back of it is quickly filling up with those trees. My little brother just pointed out to me that the man controlling the giant robot arm (which I will call 'The Claw') is smoking a pipe. That is just so cool. I can't even remember the last time I saw someone smoke a pipe. I know it's not good for you, and even though I'm completely against smoking, there's something about smoking a pipe that just seems cool. ANYWAY The Claw is HUGE. I'm sure it could pick me up and squeeze me to death if the pipe smoking guy controlling it was in a murdering mood.

Ok....that was a bit weird of me to say...I shouldn't think about that sort of thing. Maybe I'll draw a picture of The Claw squeezing me to death. A warning though: my drawing sucks. I have zero artistic skills so this drawing will be with stick figures.

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